Publisher: Bywater Books

‘Nick’ is an attorney who gets laid off. She falls into to doing repo work with some interesting characters. She meets a cute teacher at the office and they get ordered to repossess a series of increasingly bizarre vehicles.
This book was just OK for me. The relationship of the main characters fell into the insta love category for me. I like more build up in my romance. But I’m not sure that the love story was even supposed to be the main attraction in this one. It felt like this one may have been a love letter to the geographical area, culture, etc. Which is also what led me to another thing I didn’t care for. All of the pop? culture references. I wasn’t familiar with a lot of it and it just made me feel like I was left out on the jokes.
What was done exceptionally well in this story, were all of the eccentric characters. They kept me interested enough to finish reading.
I received an ARC from the Bywater Books for an honest review..