An authentic love story. This book gave me the feels entirely throughout.
Sophie is a famous adult contemporary musician who has been in some trouble recently as she deals with the death of her manager.
Dana works for Sophie’s record label and is assigned to clean up her reputation and mange her going forward.
This was surprisingly deep. It deals with the aftermath of loss, family struggles, loneliness, self discovery, age gap issues, rejection, self worth, etc. And all of those things really make these characters come to life in a way that makes you root for them to heal and find happiness.
I adored both Sophie and Dana. Their attraction and pull to each other was palpable. It was refreshing that we were shown all of this without much discussion or lengthy inner exposition. Beers had me with the under table foot caressing. So cute! Rakish glances, eye connections, and subtle touches. This book shined at illustrating their connection.
YES, I was so frustrated with Dana for the continuous wavering between Sophie and her ex. But this was written in a way that I could fully understand her trepidation of choosing between new and exciting or comfort and familiarity.
I really loved this. It is going to my favorites.
I recommend for those who love romance, love triangles, the music industry, love songs, and attics.