Second Read
I liked it better the second time around.
But this time I felt that some of the descriptions of music at the philharmonic and a sex scene could have been cut down a bit to help the story flow better in those spots.
I am in love
So, I read this. I may be ruined for books going forward.
Magnolia Robbins, who even ARE you? Why am I married? Why haven’t we met and fallen for each other? 🙂
Music and words and feelings. This was everything. The way emotion was demonstrated through movement and measures and songs and looks and… Let’s just say that I felt it.
Also, the recommendation to listen to the music associated with each chapter really added to the experience as promised. I have never ventured into classical listening before. But I will be now.
Ok, so Juliet is one of the best violinists in the world and plays for the philharmonic in NYC. Her big influential father owns her. Makes her teach at the Bard. Enter Emma who auditions for the Bard. They don’t quite start off on the right foot. The rest is musical romantic genius and I will never be OK again.
May not be everyone’s cup of tea if you are the type that can’t feel music and don’t understand that music is the soundtrack of our lives.
But if you are like me and physically ache and get moved by music, then you will enjoy this.