I really enjoyed this follow up to ‘Jamis Bachman, Ghost Hunter.’
The sarcastic ex television star is pulled back into the creepy world of paranormal. What do they say about horror sequels? They have to be more frightening, more kills, more gore, etc.? Well that is certainly true for this second book in the series.
Her relationship with Johnna is still going strong but is tested by an inability to move beyond her calling to solve haunted mysteries. I wasn’t excited that the two were separated for the entirety of this book. But the friendship between Jamis and Sapphire is front and center again, and that makes up for any lack of romance.
Jamis Bachman is one of my favorite characters to read. I love her acerbic and self deprecating thoughts and dialogue. It provides an amusing respite among the heavy and dark themes
I recommend to people who love to read about the paranormal, mysteries, friendship, uncovering the past, personal growth, and terrifying lady ghosts.
I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books for an honest review