Book Review: Spindrift by Anna Burke

Release Date: August 25, 2020
Publisher: Bywater Books

This is, and will be, the best book released this year.

I don’t want to set too high of expectations for all of you, but I can’t help it. I truly enjoyed this book better than most I’ve read. It has gone directly into my favorites pile. I probably haven’t felt this way since I read ‘Compass Rose’. Which was also written By Anna Burke. Of course, these two books are very different from each other. And ‘Spindrift’ is also nowhere near the style of her ‘Thorn’ and ‘Nottingham’ books either.

Emilia’s father has passed away and she returns to the small town she used to visit when she was younger to settle his estate. She is also using the time as an escape from her life. Her particular veterinarian vocation weighed too heavily on her and she eventually broke down. And also broke her relationship.

Morgan is a local large animal veterinarian that catches Emilia in need of some assistance. Unfortunately, her altruism is not well received, and the two of them begin a tumultuous acquaintance.

I loved every single thing about this book. I hate to compare, but it felt like a Melissa Brayden book but a little bit darker and deeper. Morgan lives with a group of girls that she works with at the vet clinic. The relationships were well developed and left me wanting more. And there were enough loose ends to make be believe we will be getting more.

Emilia and Morgan had a crazy amount of chemistry. I think it is always best when two people start off with a lot of conflict. Even better when they try for casual. We all know how that ends up. The tension was palpable. And it continued throughout the book as we wondered if this could ever work out between them as it appeared to be practically impossible.

What made this book special was the deeper themes that it tackled. Loss of a loved one, family estrangement, career pressure, mental stability, depression, and suicide. When I list those out, it sounds like this would be too heavy, but it wasn’t. It was the perfect balance of creating a deeply moving story. It made these characters flawed and real and relatable. You couldn’t help but root for them to heal and experience happiness.

Don’t take it from me. Just do yourself a favor and read this. You will not be disappointed.

I recommend this to everyone. Move this up to the top of your to-read list.

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