Book Review: The Devil Between Us by S.C. Wilson


I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to get through this. There was a point, fairly early on, where everything was so horrible and dark that it literally pained me. It was the very reason for Jessica’s long journey, so I knew I had to press on. 

Jessica learned how to survive on a mountain after a wonderful woman takes her in. Freida convinces her to go back to town. But as a man, so that she will not come to harm in a man’s world. 

Now as Jesse, she (he) begins to visit the town to make trades for goods needed on the mountain. But Jesse meets Abby, a beautiful singer at a bar. And so begins a deceptive sort of relationship. 

I super loved this. The tragedy, the hope, the sweetness, the angst… It was all craftfully written for us to simply be an observer of something great.

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