Book Review: Those Who Wait by Haley Cass

Release Date: April 3, 2020
Publisher: Self

I am kicking myself for not reviewing this earlier. For a book as good as this, I find it so disrespectful to the author that I didn’t immediately do so. So my apologies to Haley Cass and to all of you that haven’t read this yet. I just read this a second time and it only made me feel more guilty.

Sutton just recently discovered her probable affinity toward the same sex. All it took was a hot makeout session in a club and she has been stewing over it from the comfort of her apartment ever since. Her roommate, Regan, is tired of Sutton being dull so she decides to take matters into her own hands. Well, Sutton’s phone into her own hands anyway. To Sutton’s horror, Regan has created a profile on the SaphicSpark dating app which sets the stage for Charlotte to enter Sutton’s life.

I absolutely adored Sutton. She comes from an affluent family. She is smart and beautiful yet a little bit awkward with words. Which is ironic because she is a literature major and aspires to be a writer. Charlotte is likable, too. For all of her practiced ways of navigating her political world, she is sensitive and caring.

The main premise of this story is these two ladies liking each other enough to allow a friendship to develop. As things get a bit complicated, Charlotte’s public political career trajectory is put at risk.

This is one of my favorite books of the year. I’m not saying this was without issues. It was longer than it needed to be and there were some items needing editing. But honestly, this was so good that I don’t even care and I don’t think you will either. That has to say something, right?

What was special about this book was how much I FELT from these characters. There was no doubting their feelings even when they weren’t even admitting them to each other! And there were some sentences in this book that really hit hard. I love that when a single line can just wreck you for a bit. Where you have to stop for a second and just process what you read.

In addition to those feelings and their chemistry, I really enjoyed all of the different settings and situations that happened throughout the book. Sometimes books are a bit boring and formulaic. This one felt a bit like a roller coaster. I was up and down throughout the entire thing and I loved the ride. So much that I rode it again!

I don’t know what else to say. I feel mostly like a fan girl about it. Hot politician with lofty political aspirations befriends adorable and beautiful college student and there is absolutely no way to resist her.

Do not miss out on this one.

I recommend this to anyone who likes to read about romance, politics, discreet affairs, hot intimate scenes, super likable leads, great side characters, major feels, and flirty texting.

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