A stranger in town.
Lita is summoned to quickly attend to an ill stranger that has incoherently trotted into town. While providing care, Lita comes to find that her patient isn’t as appears on the surface.
As Hart regains strength, it has become apparent that there is a bad man leading the townsfolk with violence and fear. Lita makes it known what type of sacrifice she makes to keep the peace, and Hart decides to set things right.
This was a short gender bending western. I liked all of the characters and got just enough to make me want to know more about them and see what lies ahead.
There is little romance in this first installment, but Hart is definitely smitten with the lady doctor, Lita Knight. It will be interesting to see how this relationship plays out as the series goes forward.
I recommend this to people who like to read about the wild wild west, women who pose as men, secrets, lady doctors, gunfights, and pitchers of water.