Erin is a workaholic. She is practically killing herself after throwing herself into her work to avoid the aftermath of a bad breakup. Her family creates and ‘intervention’ and sends her to cleanse her soul for 3 months. The place her sister booked is a crunchy old lady “womyn’s” cult. Melanie is the youngest and last resident to hide from society and ends up having to host Erin for her lengthy stay.
This is a sweet love story between two women that were subconsciously trying to harm themselves until finding a fulfilling life of gardening and companionship.
I think I felt the stress roll off my body just reading about tossing scratch, bopping goat noses, pulling veggies, hot springs, and porches. A vacation off the grid sounds very appealing now.
There was a small amount of angst as it related to Melanie’s past. And a bit more toward the end as the two leads wrecked themselves over each other for a bit. I cried. That is always the sign of a decently written romance.
I only have a couple of critiques that are more personal preference than anything. The dialogue of the 30-something main characters felt more mature as if they were the 70-year-old residents. And I REALLY despise the term ‘lovers,’ (Sorry Taylor Swift. You sound good singing it, but no.). It was used. Too often. As well as ‘making love” even when what they were doing was just casual and temporary.
Overall, it was a sweet story in a unique setting. Worth reading.
I recommend to those who like to read about romance, bad break-ups, gardening, vegetarian eating, chickens, goats, Walmart clothing, and red bull.