‘Ask Me Again’ is a deeply moving continuation of ‘Ask, Tell.’
It felt as if I was a spectator (or fly on the wall) throughout this entire story. And it was uncomfortable. I imagine Noyes did PTSD justice. It was horrifying to watch Sabine struggle with the changes, actions, and feelings she could not prevent. And alternatively just as terrifying to observe Rebecca’s silent suffering while trying to support her girlfriend.
This is one of those books that is tough to read but you feel like you’ve gained something from having made it to the end.
Rebecca was a saint. I don’t think anyone like that exists in real life. The most enjoying aspect of ‘Ask Me Again’ was her determined and absolute resolve to remain constant. Such a rarity.
The length felt long. It might have been because of the uncomfortable material, though. I wish the the catalyst to Sabine’s restroom epiphany would have been something different and more profound. It also seemed like the doctor with the son who wanted to go the military kind of just dropped out of the end of the book. I was expecting some kind of something and got nothing.