Publisher: Bella Books

Marisol is a crime boss known as the Queen of Humboldt, a neighborhood in Chicago. Sabrina is Governor of Illinois. When Marisol is told that there will be an attempt on the Governor, she decides to take matters into her own hands.
I was not expecting this book to be as good as it was. Not a fan of the cover and the blurb sounded a little out there, which is so ironic, considering the recent real-life plot to kidnap the Michigan mayor.
I loved almost everything about this book. How the two main characters met and the misunderstanding of intent. Marisol’s sad backstory that explains why she is who she is and what drives her decision making. This book was unnerving non-stop action. It reminded me of Shepard’s ‘Across the Dark Horizon’ where there was a tense countdown to survival. But this seemed like a countdown to certain death. I did not want to put the book down.
Two things I was not fond of. One, there was an oddly timed intimate scene. I just could not suspend my belief enough to believe that would be happening after the events that unfolded within the last 24 hours. Two, a lot of things were not finished and it was set up so that there will certainly be a continuation of the story. It can’t come soon enough! I need it right now.
I recommend this to people who like to read about romance, crime, politics, action, murder, violence, torture, uncomfortable topics, and miracle salve.
P.S. I don’t normally add trigger warnings to my reviews. But I do want to say that this has some intense content. Rape, murder, human trafficking, and an abundance of torture. And I hope those things don’t prevent you from giving this book a chance, because it was one of the better books I’ve read this year.
I received an ARC from Bella Books for an honest review.