I am really not liking audio books. I keep trying. And I keep getting annoyed at the odd voices and incorrect tone. In this one, Courtney sounded like a butch pothead. Maggie sounded like a flighty blonde. And there is nothing sexy about any of the dialogue during intimate scenes because it is like Courtney is falling asleep despite Maggie’s cheer leading level declarations.
Despite all of that, the book was excellent. Right to the favorites shelf.
This felt like an epic tale as it covers quite a bit of time. There are a lot of life events that happen. A couple of surprising things that really added to the level of attachment/enjoyment for me.
I cried several times.
There are always some things that annoy me in books and I just have to get beyond them. I’m happy to report that this book did not have anything like that to put me off at all.
I would have liked to have seen Melanie get a true love.
I recommend this to people who like to read about romance, forbidden romance, high school, coming out, first love, farm life, small towns, and Abraham Lincoln.