Book Review: Exclusive by Melissa Brayden

Do you ever read something and just completely relate to it? That is how I felt during the conflict of this book. It isn’t reasonable or mature. But it is REAL. There isn’t anything I love more than gritty, vulnerable emotion. Speaking of relating. My name is Carrie and my wife’s name is Shyla. The […]

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Book Review: Two To Tangle by Melissa Brayden

‘Two to Tangle’ is the second installment of the ‘Tangle Valley Romance’ series. This one follows Gabriella Russo, who was hired as head chef at an Oregon winery. She is making masterful dishes from within a food truck while waiting for construction to complete on the restaurant. Ryan Jacks runs her own business doing construction/project […]

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Book Review: Entangled by Melissa Brayden

Joey has big ideas for her family’s vineyard , Tangle Valley. She unexpectedly gets the chance to implement changes when the business becomes hers to operate. Becca has just moved to town to manage the new elite resort opening close to the Tangle Valley Vineyard. Right from the beginning, I felt a kinship with Joey. […]

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2019 Books: Lesbian Fiction Year In Review

According to goodreads, I read about 200 books this year. I thoroughly enjoyed most of them. There were some good surprises and a few disappointments. Overall, I’m just so pleased with how many high quality lesbian fiction books are being published these days. Having said that, I feel as if I am being more picky […]

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Book Review: Back to September by Melissa Brayden

You can’t go wrong with a Melissa Brayden romance. Seriously, you can’t. Buy all of her books. Hannah is a semi book snobbish owner of a book store. She prefers the classics to romance novels. An employee convinces her to showcase a romantic new release and try to get the author to visit on a […]

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Book Review: Strawberry Summer by Melissa Brayden

I am really not liking audio books. I keep trying. And I keep getting annoyed at the odd voices and incorrect tone. In this one, Courtney sounded like a butch pothead. Maggie sounded like a flighty blonde. And there is nothing sexy about any of the dialogue during intimate scenes because it is like Courtney […]

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Book Review: Beautiful Dreamer by Melissa Brayden

Falling in love in a small town.  Devyn is a work-a-holic real estate broker in Philadelphia. She left Dreamer’s Bay behind for bigger and better things. Elizabeth is Dreamer’s Bay’s sweetest resident. She couldn’t imagine anyone not loving it in the small town. An incident requires Devyn to return, and the two women end up […]

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