Why are so many books reminding me of the movie ‘Men in Black’ recently?
Ava is the personal assistant to high maintenance actress, Gwen, who is 20 years her senior. But Ava has a big secret. She is an alien superhero. She also has a big fat crush on her boss.
Gwen is trying to fight her ex husband, Alfonso, for custody of their adopted son, Luke. Alfonso thinks Luke belongs with him and his girlfriend as it would be a better environment than with Gwen who is a single mother and too busy with her acting career to properly look after him.
Gwen essentially gets Ava to agree to fake date her. Because Ava could never deny Gwen anything.
Then crazy antics ensue. Lives need to be saved. Aliens need to be quarantined. Secrets need to be revealed. Feelings need to be recognized. All the fun ingredients for a good superhero story.
I liked the main characters. Both Ava and Gwen were flawed and real. They definitely had chemistry at times. However, I did think Gwen was more mean that I would have liked the character to be. I feel like the level of apathy toward Ava for most of the story hindered chemistry that could have made their relationship more rich.
Ava’s best friend was a cool little geeky sidekick. The Horatio puppet master. So funny.
Glad everyone recommended this to me. It was an enjoyable quick read.