Book Review: Exclusive by Melissa Brayden

Do you ever read something and just completely relate to it? That is how I felt during the conflict of this book. It isn’t reasonable or mature. But it is REAL. There isn’t anything I love more than gritty, vulnerable emotion. Speaking of relating. My name is Carrie and my wife’s name is Shyla. The […]

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Book Review: Plain English by Rachel Spangler

‘Plain English’ is book three in the ‘Full English’ series. I loved all of the installments and highly recommend reading from the beginning if you haven’t already. Claire has moved from Amberwick to London so that she can paint and sell her artwork in the building her grandmother left to her. Her morning is interrupted […]

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Book Review: Love Where You Work by Anna Pulley

Clare is a buttoned-up human resources manager for an online dating website. She is all work and no play. She can’t understand how her mother has moved on so quickly after her father’s passing and traveling all over. Julia is a stylish, seemingly care-free employee for the same website. Julia and Clare have a ton […]

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Book Review: No Rings Attached by Rachel Lacey

‘No Rings Attached’ is the second book in the Ms. Right series. In book one, we played witness to Rose falling in love with a lesbian book author, Jane, who just happened to also be her bookstore’s landlord that was evicting her. In this second installment, Rose’s bookstore manager and best friend, Lia, has all […]

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