Book Review: Gallows Humor by Carolyn Elizabeth

Release Date: March 14, 2019
Publisher: Bella Books


Corey works in a hospital and spends her spare time in the ring. Thayer is a new doctor at the hospital Corey works in. They meet. They both want to get to know one another. The chemistry is intense.

I’m probably going to say ‘Chemistry’ in this review more than any other that I have written. Because besides ‘Forbidden Melody’ by Magnolia Robbins (which is a drastically different type of book), this is the best chemistry I have read. I LOVED these two main characters. Their dialogue and flirtation was so entertaining and satisfying.

This book wasn’t only about a budding relationship between Corey and Thayer. There was a bit of a suspense and mystery built into this one. Something doesn’t seem quite right about a person under Corey’s ‘care’ in the hospital. When the police do not do anything about her inquiry, she decides to do some investigating of her own. She drags Thayer into it and all hell breaks loose.

I definitely think you all should read this one. Gallows Humor is cute, funny, suspenseful, and emotional at times.

I recommend this to those who like to read about romance, medical profession, MMA fighting, unsolved mysteries, lots of chemistry, and the gory details of autopsy.

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