Book Review: The Flight Risk by Macon Leigh

An epic story that feels like you’re reading a classic. The author takes us on a journey that lasts several decades. We travel back and forth between Balyee Lawrence’s milestone moments in life. Growing up in foster care, college life, and present day.

The people Balyee encounter in this book are so unique and colorful. Tovi, an enigmatic girl full of magic that ropes Baylee into being her sidekick. Rivers, a persistent runaway that ropes Baylee into a journey for peace. And Haper, with her science fiction eyes, that ropes Baylee into an eternity of wanting something more than she thinks she deserves.

What I really enjoyed about this was the abundance of background storytelling. I felt so connected to these characters through their past experiences that I couldn’t help but be invested in the fate of every single one of them.

This has been a difficult book for me to review. While this isn’t any type of suspenseful whodunit, there were so many elements that took time to discover outcomes. And a few surprises here and there. I feel like anything I write about could spoil the experience.

This is a story about Baylee’s journey to understanding who she is and how she can fit the people she wants in her life. It’s about finding a way to choose to be there for those who matter.

I recommend this to people who like to read about angsty romance, epic-feeling stories, meaty characters, foster care, and rogue peaches.

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