2019 Books: Lesbian Fiction Year In Review

According to goodreads, I read about 200 books this year. I thoroughly enjoyed most of them. There were some good surprises and a few disappointments. Overall, I’m just so pleased with how many high quality lesbian fiction books are being published these days. Having said that, I feel as if I am being more picky […]

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Book Review: Grimmer Intentions by Jodi Hutchins

Halflings Beware. In The Grim Assistant, we were introduced to Sam. A young mail person. She had a nephew, a sister, and a crush on Lauren, a woman on her daily route. She runs into some trouble surfing. That trouble was named ‘Margo,’ a Grim that helps souls cross to the other side. In this […]

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Book Review: The Grim Assistant by Jodi Hutchins

Crossing over. Sam is a surfing mail carrier who has a crush on a customer on her route, Lauren. Lauren is a school teacher who is having some issues with her live-in girlfriend, Bethany. When Sam encounters rough waters while surfing alone one morning, her future is suddenly cast in doubt. 

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