Book Review: The Fall by Robin Alexander

I listened to the audio version of this. I did not enjoy the narration. The eighteen-ish-year-old girls sounded like they were 14. I did like the voice of the mother, Inez. That was it. I may have liked and rated this higher had I read this myself. It starts off with HS student, Lydia, having […]

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Book Review: Burn it Down by K. Aten

Ashley Hayes is a firefighter who is forced to see a therapist before returning back to work after a significant fire claimed the life of her best friend, Derek. This tells the story of Ash’s terrible childhood through memories brought to the surface by some post traumatic stress. Well written, the book highlights all of […]

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Book Review: Girls Who Pray by Evelyn Dar

Come on, Evelyn Dar. Where in the world did this come from?! I loved, Loved, LOVED this book! 5 Stars. Favorites shelf. Period. Claire is being sued by the Amish for a non-fiction book release of her relationship with a woman during her time in the Amish community. The story intricately moves between past and […]

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Book Review: Perspective by Monica McCallan

McCallan is reliable. You know what you can expect from her books. Great snarky dialogue and mega attractive leads. There is no doubt about her ability to deliver on those things. Here is an awesome example of the type of great dialogue McCallan offers: ‘Sloan made quick work of Campbell’s pants, leaving her in nothing […]

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Book Review: After The Summer Rain by Gerri Hill

Erin is a workaholic. She is practically killing herself after throwing herself into her work to avoid the aftermath of a bad breakup. Her family creates and ‘intervention’ and sends her to cleanse her soul for 3 months. The place her sister booked is a crunchy old lady “womyn’s” cult. Melanie is the youngest and […]

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Book Review: Red by Andi Marquette

This was surprisingly good despite the length. It was REALLY short. Rebecca is an ex wolf hunter. She is involved with a woman/wolf that has apparently been hiding out and taking potion to prevent her from turning because it is unsafe. But this is making her ill, so Rebecca wants to take her to her […]

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Book Review: Living by Lise Gold

Surviving. I really liked the premise of this book. Ella is a famous actress who is beyond distraught and can no longer live with the pain of having lost her twin sister. On their birthday, she decided she is going to end her life by entering the ocean and never coming back. It just so […]

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Book Review: Legacy by Charlotte Greene

Charlotte Greene gave us ‘Gnarled Harlow’ last year and it immediately went to my favorites list. ‘Legacy’ follows the same eerie footsteps as the Lemke family and friends encounter frighteningly strange things in and around their family cabin. While this one doesn’t share space with ‘Gnarled Harlow’ as a favorite, it was definitely a decent […]

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Book Review: Charon Docks At Daylight

Ouch, this one hurt.  There are a lot of pages here. Three books worth, probably. But I consumed it as fast I could even though I was hindered by starting a new job. Life! This is not a published book and I’m not entirely certain of the origin, but you can read it on Fiction Press. […]

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