Book Review: Plain English by Rachel Spangler

‘Plain English’ is book three in the ‘Full English’ series. I loved all of the installments and highly recommend reading from the beginning if you haven’t already. Claire has moved from Amberwick to London so that she can paint and sell her artwork in the building her grandmother left to her. Her morning is interrupted […]

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Book Review: Spanish Surrender by Rachel Spangler

You aren’t going to believe this but… I cannot get through this new Rachel Spangler book. It is a snooze fest. I am 30% through and literally nothing has happened except the butch tour guide giving a history of Spain. I don’t even like either of the main characters. At all. I just can’t. 

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Book Review: Trails Merge by Rachel Spangler

Since this book was published ten years ago, it qualifies for Fallback Friday, right? Campbell is a soft butch who had to choose between her first love or her family as a result of an ultimatum. She chose home on the mountain where her family owns and operates a small ski resort. Parker, a former […]

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Book Review: Full English by Rachel Spangler

The author used the word ‘Maudlin’ a few times within this book and I’d have to say that is the key descriptor. Don’t get me wrong, this was a great book. I loved it. But wow it was frustrating to read at times. Both main characters were quite self deprecating and full of self doubt. […]

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