Book Review: Compass Rose by Anna Burke

An exciting pirate story set in the future. What was not to like about this? If you are looking for robust storytelling and world building, then this is the book for you. Extra points for lots of strong women characters. This story is about a woman named Compass Rose, who was born with the gift […]

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Book Review: Girls Who Pray by Evelyn Dar

Come on, Evelyn Dar. Where in the world did this come from?! I loved, Loved, LOVED this book! 5 Stars. Favorites shelf. Period. Claire is being sued by the Amish for a non-fiction book release of her relationship with a woman during her time in the Amish community. The story intricately moves between past and […]

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Book Review: Charon Docks At Daylight

Ouch, this one hurt.  There are a lot of pages here. Three books worth, probably. But I consumed it as fast I could even though I was hindered by starting a new job. Life! This is not a published book and I’m not entirely certain of the origin, but you can read it on Fiction Press. […]

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Book Review: Strawberry Summer by Melissa Brayden

I am really not liking audio books. I keep trying. And I keep getting annoyed at the odd voices and incorrect tone. In this one, Courtney sounded like a butch pothead. Maggie sounded like a flighty blonde. And there is nothing sexy about any of the dialogue during intimate scenes because it is like Courtney […]

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Book Review: Beautiful Dreamer by Melissa Brayden

Falling in love in a small town.  Devyn is a work-a-holic real estate broker in Philadelphia. She left Dreamer’s Bay behind for bigger and better things. Elizabeth is Dreamer’s Bay’s sweetest resident. She couldn’t imagine anyone not loving it in the small town. An incident requires Devyn to return, and the two women end up […]

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Book Review: The Secret Chord by Virginia Hale

Romance at its finest. “Tilly had longed for a simple life and devoting herself to God. Kate had longed for a simple life and devoting herself to Tilly.” Rarely do I feel like a book so emphatically resonates with me. All of the pieces have to come together just right. And they did. 

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Book Review: Always A Love Song by Charley Clarke

An emotional journey of trying to recapture a lost love.  Bridgette left her girlfriend, Alex, 5 years ago to move to New York and pursue her musical aspirations. Time has been good to both of them. Bridgette found the success she was looking for and is now a major pop star and Alex is the […]

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